Government institution
112 State St. | Room 1200
The Albany County Department of Management and Budget ensures the wise and prudent use of Albany County’s financial resources.
Management information and assistance is provided to all County departments, enabling them to provide the highest quality programs and services to customers at the lowest possible cost to the County’s taxpayers.
The Department strives to increase accountability and inform policy debate by making clear and discernible the return to our residents on the County’s investment of their tax dollars.
The Department of Management and Budget was established in 1997 by Article V of the Albany County Charter.
What We Do:
- Assist the County Executive in the preparation and administration of the Executive Budget, Capital Program and the Adopted Budget.
- Administer all the financial affairs of Albany County.
- Receive and be custodian of all public funds belonging to Albany County and invest and manage those funds.
- Collect all taxes, assessments, license fees and other revenues of the County.
- Provide management information services in support of the County’s departments and administrative units.
- Maintain and update tax maps for Albany County.