Advocacy Group
11 N Pearl Street | Suite 801
The Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Providers of New York State (ASAP) is committed to working together to support organizations, groups and individuals that prevent and alleviate the profound personal, social and economic consequences of alcoholism and substance abuse in New York State. ASAP represents the interests of the largest alcoholism and substance abuse prevention, treatment, research and training providers in the country. We also welcome membership from coalitions, business, organizations and individuals who support ASAP’s mission.
Prevention program members include both school and community based programs. Treatment program members include: out-patient treatment, hospital based in-patient and community based residential rehab, methadone treatment, meth withdrawal treatment and vocational/educational service providers working in collaboration with treatment programs. Research and training members include universities, research institutes and training organizations. The members of ASAP govern Association affairs through a Board of Directors and its structure of task forces and committees. An Executive Committee is nominated and elected by the membership for a two year term.
Guiding Principles
We believe that addiction impacts all aspect of society, and that:
- Addiction is a treatable and preventable disease;
- Families and individuals have the right and deserve access to quality services in their community;
- Prevention and Treatment services are a sound investment that save lives and strengthen families; and
- Partnerships and collaboration are vital to the success of all our efforts.