Government Institution
515 Broadway | Suite 402
New York State Association of Counties' mission is to represent, educate, advocate for and serve New York's counties and the thousands of elected and appointed county officials who serve the public.
As the voice of county leaders throughout New York State, NYSAC is steadfast in communicating the needs and recommendations of our county officials to State lawmakers. Local government is at the heart of New York State, and NYSAC is proud to represent the counties and their elected and appointed officials throughout New York.
- The New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) represents New York counties and their taxpayers before Federal, State and Local officials on matters germane to county governments.
- NYSAC informs our membership and the public at large on issues of importance to county governments.
- We educate, train and provide research on public policy to Federal, State and Local officials and to the membership on issues important to counties.
- We advocate for our 62 counties, including the City of New York, to the legislative and executive branches of government at the State and Federal levels.