1 Steuben Street
The mission of the South End Children's Cafe is to impact food security, address food equality and food justice, enhance academic success and positively influence the physical and mental health of children by offering free, healthy meals along with homework help, academic enrichment, mentoring, exercise, and the arts.
Our food is donated by people who conduct food drives for us, purchase food or donate gift cards to area grocery stores. With monetary donations, we are able to purchase our meat and produce for the week. We have a chef and several nutritionists who consult with us to prepare healthy, well balanced and delicious meals. All of the children enrolled in the Cafe are involved, offering a sense of responsibility to and ownership in the South End Children's Cafe. Children take turns serving the salads, main course and dessert, and refilling water and milk glasses.
No child should be concerned about what they are going to eat for dinner, or if they are going to get to eat dinner. A child should not experience health challenges because they are not getting enough nutritional food to eat. A child should not be struggling in school because they are hungry. And a parent should not have to tell their child or children they have no food to give them to eat. Please join the South End Children’s Cafe in feeding children and families, nourishing the body and spirit and building community by the simple act of breaking bread. This is truly a community project, with children, youth, families, community members, restaurants and businesses coming together to impact hunger.