Business Services/IT

39 N Pearl Street, Suite 100


Talent Connect is an innovative program under the Center for Economic Growth designed to meet the needs of relocating professionals in the Capital Region. The program is offered to regional employers who are in need of comprehensive support in recruitment and retention of valued talent.


Our initiative addresses the challenges that face today’s relocating professionals and covers a broad spectrum of support including: pre-hire consultations, dual career support, brokering meaningful community connections and cultural transitioning resources. Each new hire, and those with families, are unique in the services they require to support and connect them to the new community. Click here to view a list of our services.


Talent Connect is the key confidential resource for newcomers transitioning to the Capital Region. Able to seek information and support during their relocation process, these newcomers are able to break the personal and professional isolation associated with relocation, accelerate their quality of life, and once connected to the things that are most important to them – make the Capital Region a permanent destination.