RFP | Street Cleaning and Releated Services


The Downtown Albany Business Improvement District, Inc. (BID) is an independent not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) organization comprising of property owners and businesses in the downtown Albany business district. Established in 1996, the BID's mission is to restore, promote and maintain the character and viability of downtown Albany and improve the quality of life and overall image for all those who live, work and visit the Capital City of Albany. Working in partnership with businesses, property owners, cultural institutions and organizations, government agencies and elected officials, the BID works to make Albany’s downtown historic district clean, safe and friendly.

The Downtown Albany BID Clean Streets program, implemented in 1996, is a core offering to our stakeholders throughout the district. The successful bidder will be expected to carry on and improve upon the current level of service.


The BID requires a Downtown BID-specific OSHA/DOT color-compliant, safely uniformed service known as the Clean Team Ambassadors, whose primary function is sidewalk clean-up, including litter pick up, sweeping, snow removal, weeding; code and maintenance reports, bagging of trash, etc.; (see attached exhibit B). The Clean Team Ambassadors will provide supplemental services, will report directly to the BID's Operations Manager and will work in conjunction with the City of Albany Department of General Services. It is important the Contractor be familiar with City services, understanding the contract is to augment, not replace, those services.

In addition, the Clean Team Ambassadors will provide assistance to visitors in the form of directions, tourist information and other related matters. Further, working with the BID Operations Manager, Albany Police Department's Community Outreach officer assigned to the District and other police department personnel, the Clean Team Ambassadors will act as additional "eyes and ears" for the purpose of identifying and reporting life safety issues or unusual and suspicious behavior.


Your firm is invited to submit a proposal to supply cleaning and maintenance services to the Downtown Albany Business Improvement District.

Bids are due Monday, September 18, 2017 at 3:00 PM and can be sent to Don Wilson, Operations Manager, at [email protected].

The full RFP can be accessed and downloaded here.

For further information, or if you have any questions, please contact Don at the email address above or 518.465.2143 x12