Ridesharing Now Available in Upstate NY
Ridesharing is now available in Upstate NY! The NYS Senate passed legislating legalizing the service outside of New York City.
From auburnpub.com:
The state Department of Motor Vehicles will be responsible for regulating the ride-sharing industry. There will be uniform licensing requirements for ride-sharing companies. Local government officials — all counties and cities with at least 100,000 people — will have the option to disallow ride-sharing in their communities. But it won't change who's ultimately responsible for regulating the industry. Uber and other ride-sharing companies will be required to have a minimum group insurance policy of $1.25 million for drivers who provide rides in New York. The insurance will be in effect when a driver is heading to pick up a passenger and until the individual is dropped off at their final destination.
[Image from The Buffalo News]